I just wanted to get my opinion out there about all this Twinkie business. So I am writing a response to the article on CNN, Who killed the Twinkie? We did by Dean Obeidallah. I couldn't help but giggle at this article. It seems like something so silly to be upset over. Hearing that people were even going as far as to hoard their Hostess treats just sounds like ridiculousness to me. I'm sure I won't find it as silly when these people become millionaires in 50 years selling these snacks, which are supposedly suppose to make it through a nuclear explosion. I think I am finding this so crazy because I never really liked anything made by Hostess; I always thought their products tasted like dirt. My boyfriend, who is a snowball fanatic, is incredibly upset about the death of his favorite unhealthy snack. That is one of the main points that Dean makes in his article. He talks about how society started to cut back on all unhealthy foods, including the 368 calorie Twinkie. I think I might be the only person I know that is a little bit proud of our society for letting Hostess go. I think it means that some people are actually thinking about their diet, which just might be the tiniest footstep in the right direction to fight obesity. If you think I am being completely heartless for feeling this way about the death of the Twinkie then you are wrong. I really do agree with the Dean when he discusses 18,500 people who are now out of work at the peak of the holiday season. Also, Dean discusses Wonder Bread which is now gone for good. Wonder Bread just happened to be one of my favorite breads. I am also sad because Hostess had been in business for 82 years. 82 years is a very big accomplishment and it made me sad to think that after all that time they couldn't have made some changes to their products so that they wouldn't be so unhealthy. Maybe then they would have been open much longer.